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Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Bakugan Errata... #1 - Robotallian / Battletron

OK... So one of my many pet peeves is with regards to the incorrect names given to the various Bakugan. So lets get the most frequent errors and confusing names straightened out.

First off... as you can see from the list of 'Available Bakugan' on the main page there is the first glaring question... what the heck is "Robotallian / Battletron"??

Robotallian and Battletron are one in the same. However, it is almost never referred to as "Battletron"... that was a name on the promotional poster Spin Master was handing out. I don't have any clue as to why the name difference but the cartoon is what it is and Robotallian is the name we'll go by.

Edit! - Wow! good news on this edit!! Version 2 of the Spin Master Promotional poster now lists it as Robotallian! Great move Spin Master! Thanks for the uniformity!

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