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Monday, May 12, 2008

Counterfeit Bakugan

Glad to see the fine folks at SpinMaster are on top of this! If you haven't already looked, there were a slew of counterfeit Bakugan online. Online aution sites were nefarious for having a wide assortment of "Bursting Egg" and "Battle Brawlers" and "Bomb Ball"... Not that it matters now as the major online auction sites have removed the offending product. Should I come across more pics of the offending product, I'll be sure to post a pic...

As for what's left out there, please be careful. If it doesn't have the name "Bakugan" and SpinMaster (and maybe even Sega Toys) then its probably a fake. There are some Japanese versions available out there but even those are labeled correcly... I'll have more on the Japanese version a little later around here...

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